Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 12, 2011 - Columbia Ice Fields, Jasper

We had an adventure today. We started out early for the Columbia Ice Fields in Jasper National Park. We had thought it would take about an hour to get there. It took double that time. Along the way we stopped to take some pictures of a beautiful waterfall and Robbie, as he usually does, hiked down a nearby trail to get better pictures (with my camera this time). We were in the motor home for this outing so Bill and I waited inside for him to return. When we saw him turning the corner from the trail to where we were parked we wondered why he seemed so tired. It looked like he could hardly make the last few yards. When he came inside we saw that he was wet and muddy. He told us that while taking a picture he fell off the embankment into the icy glacier river. He was in the river up to his waist. He then had to climb back up a very steep hill. He was exhausted and a little rattled but after a warm shower he calmed down.

At the ice fields we took a tour onto the glacier itself via a specially designed vehicle. We were able to get out and walk on the 300 year old glacier and drink the fresh water that was melting from it. It was icy cold and clear and delicious. The glacier was 900 feet thick and moves at about two inches per day.

We got home later than we had hoped. We quickly had a light dinner and off went Robbie again to do some hiking through the trails where we’re camped. Bill and I are tired!